Anatomy and Physiology..! Female reproduction System.. (1).

Anatomy and Physiology..!

Female reproduction System..(1)

Bright Zoom Doctor,

Internal Structures


  • The ovaries are the ultimate life-maker for the females.
  • For its physical structure, it has an estimated length of 4 cm and width of 2 cm and is 1.5 cm thick. It appears to be shaped like an almond. It looks pitted, like a raisin, but is grayish white in color.
  • It is located proximal to both sides of the uterus at the lower abdomen.
  • For its function, the ovaries produce, mature, and discharge the egg cells or ova.
  • Ovarian function is for the maturation and maintenance of the secondary sex characteristics in females.
  • It also has three divisions: the protective layer of epithelium, the cortex, and the central medulla.

Fallopian Tubes

  • The fallopian tubes serve as the pathway of the egg cells towards the uterus.
  • It is a smooth, hollow tunnel that is divided into four parts: the interstitial, which is 1 cm in length; the isthmus, which is2 cm in length; the ampulla, which is 5 cm in length; and the infundibular, which is 2 cm long and shaped like a funnel.
  • The funnel has small hairs called the fimbria that propel the ovum into the fallopian tube.
  • The fallopian tube is lined with mucous membrane, and underneath is the connective tissue and the muscle layer.
  • The muscle layer is responsible for the peristaltic movements that propel the ovum forward.
  • The distal ends of the fallopian tubes are open, making a pathway for conception to occur.



  • The uterus is described as a hollow, muscular, pear-shaped organ.
  • It is located at the lower pelvis, which is posterior to the bladder and anterior to the rectum.
  • The uterus has an estimated length of 5 to 7 cm and width of 5 cm. it is 2.5 cm deep in its widest part.
  • For non-pregnant women, it is approximately 60g in weight.
  • Its function is to receive the ovum from the fallopian tube and provide a place for implantation and nourishment.
  • It also gives protection for the growing fetus.
  • It is divided into three: the body, the isthmus, and the cervix. f
  • The body forms the bulk of the uterus, being the uppermost part. This is also the part that expands to accommodate the growing fetus.
  • The isthmus is just a short connection between the body and the cervix. This is the portion that is cut during a cesarean section.
  • The cervix lies halfway above the vagina, and the other half extends into the vagina. It has an internal and external cervical os, which is the opening into the cervical canal.

Anatomy and Physiology..! Female reproduction System.. (1). Anatomy and Physiology..!  Female reproduction System.. (1). Reviewed by Bright Zoom on December 24, 2021 Rating: 5

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